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Author Topic: Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal margins


Posts: 2

Post Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal marginson: March 23, 2012, 03:42


Thank you so much in advance to anyone who can help.
If I figure this out myself and no one has posted an answer, I will post instructions here for people in the future.

I am trying to insert a wide graphic as my header.

The image is wider than the pixel space allotted by the DIY page designer.

When I insert the image into the editable space, it cuts off on the right side where the editable space container ends.

Within the page designer, am I limited completely to the amount of horizontal space granted by the page designer, or can I bleed over into the margins, or narrow the margins on either side, or widen the editable space?

Thank you again for your help! I sincerely appreciate it. This has been frustrating me for some time and I'm under a deadline to go live with the page, any help would be very much appreciated.

Good luck converting,




Posts: 2

Post Re: Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal marginson: March 23, 2012, 03:44

new information: the allotted horizontal editable space seems to be 1,000 pixels for a graphic



Posts: 1

Post Re: Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal marginson: March 23, 2012, 06:56

Hi Devon,

Editable space's width is set keeping in mind standard 1024px. Allowing content or graphics beyond this limit will show scrolling in monitors with 1024px or less resolution besides make it look unaligned with the content beneath.

As far as your question is concerned, I'll recommend you to adopt one of the following options:
i) Reduce your image to editable size using an external tool and insert it within the page.
ii) Insert large image in editable space of Hyperconversion and reduce it using image re-sizers that appear along image boundary.

If you still want your image to bleed outside editable space, that is possible with HTML and CSS. Let us know If you can't handle it yourself, we we'll have our team do it for you.

Hope that would be helpful.

Best of luck with your Marketing!



Posts: 2

Post Re: Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal marginson: March 31, 2017, 08:52

These topics are so cosfinung but this helped me get the job done.



Posts: 2

Post Re: Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal marginson: March 31, 2017, 08:52

These topics are so cosfinung but this helped me get the job done.



Posts: 2

Post IjCUIQBNhapVAon: March 31, 2017, 11:04

Hallo,ich habe ein kleines Problem mit der Anleitung. Und zwar mit 7. Muss ich da irgendwas ändern? Oder passt das alles so?Und bei 8. sagt er mir, dass er die Datei nicht finden kann. Kann mir jemand helfen?Der Rest hat super geklappt.Danke euch maor.GüßeTlbias



Posts: 2

Post IjCUIQBNhapVAon: March 31, 2017, 11:04

Hallo,ich habe ein kleines Problem mit der Anleitung. Und zwar mit 7. Muss ich da irgendwas ändern? Oder passt das alles so?Und bei 8. sagt er mir, dass er die Datei nicht finden kann. Kann mir jemand helfen?Der Rest hat super geklappt.Danke euch maor.GüßeTlbias



Posts: 2

Post Re: Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal marginson: March 31, 2017, 11:04

Dogwood, I respect that Pile on daddy works in your home and that your wife is OK with it. Whether pile on daddy is what every girl ought to do regularly with daddy is debatable, since the woman in the monmiocklbg article has an objection to it, for one.At the same time, just as respect is shown for pile on daddy to work in your home, surely respect can also be given to the mom who objects to it.C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas.



Posts: 2

Post Re: Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal marginson: March 31, 2017, 11:04

Dogwood, I respect that Pile on daddy works in your home and that your wife is OK with it. Whether pile on daddy is what every girl ought to do regularly with daddy is debatable, since the woman in the monmiocklbg article has an objection to it, for one.At the same time, just as respect is shown for pile on daddy to work in your home, surely respect can also be given to the mom who objects to it.C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas.



Posts: 3

Post Re: Design Inquiry: Widening horizontal marginson: April 13, 2017, 16:34

That's a smart answer to a tricky <a href="http://fmtcmxjn.com">quietson</a>

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