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Author Topic: Dynamic Keyword Insertion


Posts: 3

Post Dynamic Keyword Insertionon: January 14, 2012, 17:00

Our site currently has about 100,000 system generated landing pages. For example, https://www.zintro.com/area6?lp=area6&mod=Experts&area=solar-energy&mod=Experts. We are exploring the use of hyperconversion in order to generate an attractive and explanatory landing page that will then redirect the user to our current landing page. However, we need the ability to insert "Solar Energy", for example into text and the destination url.

Is there a way to take a parameter from the landing page's URL and:
* Insert that parameter into page text?
* Include that parameter in a link associated with the call to action button?



Posts: 8

Post Re: Dynamic Keyword Insertionon: January 19, 2012, 12:05

This feature is in development mode right now. Our representative will contact you and talk to you about this in detail.



Posts: 2

Post Re: Dynamic Keyword Insertionon: March 31, 2017, 09:09

Thought it wod'nult to give it a shot. I was right.



Posts: 2

Post Re: Dynamic Keyword Insertionon: March 31, 2017, 09:09

Thought it wod'nult to give it a shot. I was right.



Posts: 2

Post eRhhVQhJCHvoxQNZon: March 31, 2017, 10:43

hyperflow karl rove is8#1n2&7;t over, he’s just temporarily done with.He will phoenix, because what else is he going to do?This is his life, after all. He wont roll over.



Posts: 2

Post eRhhVQhJCHvoxQNZon: March 31, 2017, 10:43

hyperflow karl rove is8#1n2&7;t over, he’s just temporarily done with.He will phoenix, because what else is he going to do?This is his life, after all. He wont roll over.



Posts: 2

Post Re: Dynamic Keyword Insertionon: March 31, 2017, 10:53

john and christine could spend a weekend doing a little research on this matter and they would at least undansterd why we have some unresolved issues here .they dont know anything because they dont WANT to know anything .



Posts: 2

Post Re: Dynamic Keyword Insertionon: March 31, 2017, 10:53

john and christine could spend a weekend doing a little research on this matter and they would at least undansterd why we have some unresolved issues here .they dont know anything because they dont WANT to know anything .



Posts: 1

Post UxLDrGEkNHPrBZBSBUrDon: April 4, 2017, 15:25

I <a href="http://vmmkhpaitj.com">watned</a> to spend a minute to thank you for this.



Posts: 3

Post wWXZZXlaeGnktqDpLepyon: April 4, 2017, 20:45

Thank God! Somneoe with brains speaks! http://brzvkhk.com duccxph [link=http://dwvqxahaklp.com]dwvqxahaklp[/link]

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