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Author Topic: Number of Pages?
Sri Pinnaka


Posts: 10

Post Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 11:43


If we sign up with Basic Package, how many landing pages we can create.?



Posts: 34

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 11:45

Hi Sri Pinnaka,

You can create as many as pages as you like. There is no limit on number of pages in any price package.

Please let us know you if you have any further questions.

Sri Pinnaka


Posts: 10

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 11:46

I have created a page with two column. But when i preview the page its reset to Single Column. What's the best way to contact the support. Your Blog Page and Support Pages doesn't exist. Can we trust to build the campaigns on your platform.



Posts: 34

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 11:48

The problem is fixed now. Please feel free to use the software and let me know if you face any issues in setting up your landing page campaign. I'll be more than happy to help.

However, for now, please note that we recommend FireFox browser currently to create pages through Hyperconversion (though it works fine in Chrome and Safari as well).

P.S. I see that you have entered a custom domain for your landing pages. For info, you need to add a CNAME record in DNS settings of your domain and point it to your unique Hyperconversion domain to make it work.

Sri Pinnaka


Posts: 10

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 11:49

Thank you for the quick response. Now the page is working with Two Column. Also i have setup custom domain.

I see one more issue. When i try to edit the form from Default Subscribe to Contact Us (Header of the Form). There is no save button. It doesn't retain the settings.

Can you please take a look at it.



Posts: 34

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 12:15

Please click on "Show form" button after making changes to your form. It will show your changed form with "save" button. Clicking it will save your page.

Sri Pinnaka


Posts: 10

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 12:15

Its working now. Thanks.



Posts: 34

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 12:17

Glad to know :)

Sri Pinnaka


Posts: 10

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 12:17

I think we have tested and like the product. I have the following questions:

1. Is it possible to host this on our server

2. We are going to be running bunch of google adwords campaigns and expecting quite a bit of traffic. The concern we have is our monthly budget for the number of visitors we will end up spending. Up to High package is not bad at all. We are thinking any thing over that limit.



Posts: 34

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 12:18

Thank you for liking the product. Though, I am bit unclear about your first question. With "host this on our server", do you mean that your landing pages should appear as they are hosted on your server (For example, their URL be http://www.sri.com/landingpage) ?

Secondly, do you think that our existing price packages do not suit your needs? If this is so, please send me your needs and I'll try to be as flexible as I can to meet them.

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