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Author Topic: Number of Pages?


Posts: 34

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 12:36

Iam glad that you liked our software and planning to move forward. Right now, we only offer custom domains to make pages appear on your server. However, if you feel some other need in future i.e. dedicated server for high speed etc, please let me know and we'll see what best solution we can offer.

About your question, yes we are open and flexible to discuss the pricing once you exceed $100 / month.

Please let Us know if you have any further questions.

Sri Pinnaka


Posts: 10

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 12:39

I have one more question regarding custom domain.

Currently i can add one custom domain to one experiment. But i would prefer to create one custom domain for all the landing pages.

Here is the example:

Current Setup:

Experiment 1: http://landing.zoomitsolutions.com/Microsoft-Exchange

If I need to create New Experiment. I have to use different domain name.

The Setup we like:

Experiment 1: http://landing.zoomitsolutions.com/Microsoft-Exchange

Experiment 2: http://landing.zoomitsolutions.com/IT-Support

The only thing changing is the page name after the domain name.

Is this possible.



Posts: 34

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: October 21, 2011, 12:40

You can use 1 custom domain on as many experiment as you want. In any experiment:

i) Click on edit icon on right side of URL.
ii) Open drop-down menu of domain.
iii) Select your domain and that's it.



Posts: 2

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: March 31, 2017, 10:33

/ Good Afternoon to each. My Group Is from Greece and i also enjoy a fresh new online business. Please Go To my web blog and told me your thought. You Will Find a lof of good ideas and information just about my work. It’s no-cost 100% and without the need of registrator. Thanks A Ton To anybody that could check out my great woew-dlidr-web site. It Will Help To my work. | is the keyword in greek language.



Posts: 2

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: March 31, 2017, 10:33

/ Good Afternoon to each. My Group Is from Greece and i also enjoy a fresh new online business. Please Go To my web blog and told me your thought. You Will Find a lof of good ideas and information just about my work. It’s no-cost 100% and without the need of registrator. Thanks A Ton To anybody that could check out my great woew-dlidr-web site. It Will Help To my work. | is the keyword in greek language.



Posts: 2

Post bAghZoOeSOmMAnVon: March 31, 2017, 10:41

Hee Ro,éemErg leuk om te lezen wat jullie allemaal voor de mensen daar doen, super!Het was wel jammer dat je met de carnaval niet hier was Nog heel veel plezier de laatste dagen en ik spreek je vrijdag (:xxx



Posts: 2

Post gwkqdXKXDton: March 31, 2017, 10:41

She can only have an issue with it if her copyrights and watermarks are cropped out. As long as they are left in place and the source ackgewlednod we can use them for our commentary as much as we like. If she believes differently she is free to look up fair use.



Posts: 2

Post gwkqdXKXDton: March 31, 2017, 10:41

She can only have an issue with it if her copyrights and watermarks are cropped out. As long as they are left in place and the source ackgewlednod we can use them for our commentary as much as we like. If she believes differently she is free to look up fair use.



Posts: 2

Post bAghZoOeSOmMAnVon: March 31, 2017, 10:41

Hee Ro,éemErg leuk om te lezen wat jullie allemaal voor de mensen daar doen, super!Het was wel jammer dat je met de carnaval niet hier was Nog heel veel plezier de laatste dagen en ik spreek je vrijdag (:xxx



Posts: 2

Post Re: Number of Pages?on: March 31, 2017, 10:51

Le souhait des Institutions était de faire les Etats-Uni d’Europe … on y est, sauf que l’Europe ce n’ai pas l&r©muo;AqÃsrique! Je vous le jure sur la bible

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